
from the Headmasters

Proviseur Yvan Schmitt du lycée Français de Bangkok


Proviseure Chanao Varunyou du Lycée Français de Bangkok


three dots LFIB

Head of School’s Welcome for the New Academic Year 2023-2024

The administrative and academic teams are very happy to welcome you for this new school year and wish you an excellent year 2023-2024.

Your choice of the Lycée Français International de Bangkok for your children’s education is a testament to the trust you have in the teaching staff and the reputation of the school. It also more broadly reflects the confidence you have in French education and your attachment to the exceptional network of the AEFE.

In regards to pedagogy and language teaching in the primary school, the curriculum is deepened in English and enriched with the teaching of Thai. The British International Section is proposed from CP to 2nde, and the Baccalauréat Français International (BFI) is fully established in classes of 1ère and terminale.

In secondary school, the 8 specialty courses which are proposed are able to further complete the existing and very rich range of options (English in the European Section and British International Section, German, Spanish, Mandarin and Thai in LVB, Latin and Greek).

The results of our students in the 2023 exam session are excellent with a success rate of 96.5% for the DNB (including 93% awarded with various levels of honors) and 100% success in the baccalaureate (including 87.3% awarded with various levels of honors). 5 of the “Very good mentions” (highest honors) also received the Congratulations from the jury which is an exceptional recognition.

Our school project integrates as a priority objective the success and development of all of our students. It also formalizes the importance of languages in the English-speaking environment which defines international education in Thailand. English learning holds an important place with teaching activities reinforced and diversified. The level achieved by our students as early as primary school is excellent.

The success of our students relies on the exceptional investment of our teachers, and, of course, on the interest, support, follow-up, participation and encouragement of their parents.

As a school under a convention with the AEFE, the participation of parents is an asset. The Fondation Française pour l’Education, the managing body of the school, closely involves the Parents’ Association (APE) with the smooth running of the school, especially in regards to the control of budget execution, regularity of financial management and the monitoring of committed expenditures.

The APE also participates in numerous working committees covering, among other things, recruitment, contracts for outsourced services and finance.

The APE is also represented of the Board of Directors of LFIB which is the decision-making body of LFIB.

This status leads to a joint and shared decision-making process for the smooth running of the institution. We wish to call upon all parent volunteers to contribute their skills to the service of the school, within the « Bureau de l’APE », the various commissions (finances, HR, communication) or in the pedagogical meetings (School Council, School Board), or as representatives of the parents of pupils in the different classes.

The management team has been partly renewed with the arrival of a new School Counselor (CPE), Mr Thomas YVON who already has the experience of French education abroad.

We look forward to bringing our experience and our inspiration to further advance this fine establishment. To all, students, parents and staff, we wish a very good start to the new school year and an excellent academic year.