

Welcoming and Support System for Newly French-Speaking Students (FLSco)

Students who do not speak or have limited proficiency in French are welcomed at LFIB and supported in their learning. Our goal is to provide each student with an educational environment conducive to learning French and guide them towards linguistic proficiency that will prepare them for success in our educational system.

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In Maternelle, students join the class. Teachers and teaching assistants devote themselves to French language learning, helping our students develop their linguistic skills.

In Grande Section, students may benefit from the intervention of a specialized teacher in French as a Language of Schooling (FLSco) during language sessions, to enhance their French acquisition.

In Elementary school each student benefits from a Personal Language Success Plan (PPRL) formalized and followed up during regular meetings with the family. This plan specifies the framework to be integrated, the learning objectives in class and during FLSco sessions, and how the family commits to supporting their child in discovering and learning French.

FLSco en maternelle
FLSco en élémentaire

We offer two programs to support our students in their French language learning:

FLSco class+: This program is designed for students entering the French educational system without mastering the language. They receive intensive daily instruction from our FLSco teachers in the morning, before the break, in a dedicated classroom.

FLSco group
For students who have been learning French for one to two years, we offer small groups divided by class level. Every day, they receive 45 minutes to 1 hour of instruction to continue progressing in language mastery.

In elementary and secondary schoolsFrench as a Language of Schooling (FLSco) instruction is offered to newly French-speaking students.
It’s a French schooling language instruction, by the school, for the school. FLSco builds upon what is already covered in class, focusing on:

Developing the four language skills:
– listening comprehension
– reading comprehension
– written and oral production
● Empowering students to integrate more easily.
● Disciplinary French (mathematics French, Physical Education French, etc.).
● Interdisciplinary French (vocabulary for school life, school materials, instructions, etc.).

FLSco au secondaire au lycée francais international de Bangkok
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In Middle school: Through an action-oriented and cooperative pedagogy, the FLSco program enables middle school students to better engage in key courses using the French language, particularly literature, history geography, and life sciences. Through a series of activities and mini-projects, learners manipulate concepts and develop the four language skills with significant emphasis on syntactic correction and vocabulary expansion.

In High school: FLSco covers essential elements of French, as well as history-geography, economics and social sciences (SES), and philosophy. Memorization tools are developed along with written and oral activities that best prepare learners for the Baccalauréat examination.

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Discovering French beyond the FLSco system

LFIB offers specific support and guidance for neo-French-speaking students.
To find out more about Ateliers de français or Club Coup de Pouce CLA, click here.

Since the start of the 2023 school year, LFIB, in partnership with Alliance Française de Bangkok, has been offering an “integration camp” for newly enrolled French-speaking students at the end of August, to enable future students to discover the school and start learning the French language.
French as a Foreign Language (FLE) courses for the school’s non-French-speaking parents are also offered during the school year, at LFIB, in partnership with the Alliance Française de Bangkok.