

Information on "third-party liability - accident" insurance certificates CGEA

CGEA( personal liability and accident insurance certificates are distributed to students at the school.

This insurance, taken out by the school, covers only civil liability and accidents in the context of school activities. It does not constitute health insurance. Parents or guardians are responsible for taking out health insurance for their children, particularly for overnight school trips.

cgea assurance

Scope of CGEA insurance

Coverage: School and related activities.
Exclusions: Family, private or extracurricular activities.

In the event of an accident occurring at school or on a school outing, and in the absence of personal insurance for the family, this insurance may cover up to 100% of the costs, subject to the coverage limits. Pupils are also covered for civil liability for physical or material damage caused to a third party, again within the limits of the cover provided.

Steps to take in the event of an accident

Accident declarations must be made within 5 days. In general, the first declaration is made by the Lycée, after which parents must contact the company directly for reimbursement formalities.

Additional options

The school has subscribed to the basic option (school activities and travel). Families wishing a higher level of cover or an extension to extra-curricular activities must subscribe directly with CGEA (see brochure for more information).