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An intensive English language learning experience

The International Section adapts the curricula of the French Ministry of Education and the British National Curriculum to create a high-quality educational framework and a dynamic program that meets the needs of our international students.

The International Section offers 2 extra hours of English, and focuses on the four language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. The International Section subjects are multi-disciplinary and include a wide range of subjects, from physical education to science, music and computing.
The International Section promotes language proficiency through interdisciplinary activities and meaningful experiences. Teaching is provided by native speakers with a degree in primary education.

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What are the objectives of this section?

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At the end of CM2, the expected level is B1 for speaking and A2 for listening and reading comprehension. Continuity from primary to secondary school is provided so that students can take the Option Internationale du Brevet and the International French Baccalaureate.

What are the learning hours in the international section?

Students have 6 hours of English lessons per week:
● 4 hours of English Language
● 2 hours CLIL (CLIL)

Section britannique au primaire

How are students assigned to the international section?

The language pathway at LFIB is mainly determined by the students’ level of French. The International Section is suitable for students who meet the requirements for learning in French. Students are assessed three times during the school year. Their main French teacher suggests that eligible students then take an assessment in English. English assessments are based on the English that students have learned in their Classical Section English classes. Finally, teachers meet to discuss the student’s autonomy and ability to handle additional workloads.
If the student meets these three criteria, parents are invited to choose the language path in which they would like their child to progress. Language courses at LFIB are designed to enable students to move easily from the Section Classique to the Section Internationale. Students can move from one section to another throughout the school year. The two English courses work in harmony, following similar themes and vocabulary.

What is CLIL?

Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is the teaching of the core subjects of the French curriculum in English. At LFIB, our CLIL program is divided into two different types of teaching, the CLIL course and the Doublette course.
The CLIL course is taught in English by a single teacher.
The Doublette course is a bilingual approach to the subjects. It is taught jointly by an English teacher and a French teacher. The additional skills developed in this session focus on researching and solving questions in both languages.
Students from the Classical Section and the International Section explore these courses together.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can join the International Section?

The International Section is open to all students. Students must meet French learning requirements before being considered for this pathway.

French assessments take place in September, December and April. If the student has sufficient skills in French, he or she can then be assessed in English. Changes in a student’s language path take place at the beginning of the following term.

The language coordinator carries out the English assessments and the results are examined by the International Section Council, which deliberates and decides whether the student can join this section.

No, students follow either the international section (6 hours of English) or the classical section (4 hours of English).

No, students in the international section learn English with children from their own class.

No, students are divided into heterogeneous groups.

No, the number of places is not limited.

We offer a program integrating skills from the French curriculum and the National British Curriculum.

No, students are assessed in both languages at the start of the new school year, and the International Section Council decides whether or not to keep them in the international section.

Yes, they can.