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FLSco Welcoming and Support System for Newly French-Speaking Students (FLSco) Students who do not speak or have limited proficiency in French are welcomed at LFIB and supported in their learning. Our goal is to provide each student with an educational environment conducive to learning French and guide them towards linguistic proficiency that will prepare them […]

Secondary school languages

LANGUAGES AT SECONDARY Modern languages at the Lycée français international de Bangkok The teaching of modern languages at the Lycée français international de Bangkok (LFIB) is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), in line with the Plan de rénovation de l’enseignement des langues vivantes launched by the French Ministry of […]

Elementary languages

LANGUAGES in elementary From CP to CM2 2 routes adapted to the profile of each student and designed around the notion of permeability. * LFIB offers complementary Thai language courses 4h/week. for children who speak Thai.** Children whose parents are Thai nationals must take 4 hours of Thai lessons per week. Classic Section Standard25H Reinforced […]

Languages in Kindergarten

LANGUAGES IN KINDERGARTEN Mother Tongue & Language Discovery Mother tongue is the first language children learn. It’s central to their development process, because it’s what binds them to their family, to a culture, to a community. Young children can learn several languages at once, but for their language skills to be built on a solid […]

School curriculum

SCHOOL CURRICULA from kindergarten to high school The Nursery School Curriculum A Caring School Multilingual Education Specific learning methods Adapted infrastructures THE KINDERGARTEN CURRICULUM Elementary school curriculum Fundamental learning cycles Consolidation cycle An Inclusive School A rich multilingual and cultural experience A Qualified Listening Team THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CURRICULUM The school curriculum After elementary school, […]

French education system

THE FRENCH EDUCATION SYSTEM Primary and secondary school teaching cycles At the end of compulsory schooling (up to 3eme), the Common Base of Knowledge, Skills and Culture identifies the knowledge and skills that must be acquired. It is structured around five domains, providing an overview of the objectives of school and collège programs: 1. Languages […]

Working at LFIB

working at lfib job offers School Year 2024 – 2025 As part of its development, the LFIB, an establishment under agreement with the AEFE, is looking for staff for AEFE contracts for teaching, education and administrative positions and/or local contracts. To apply : For the 2024-2025 school year, the teaching and educational staff positions vacant […]

Our partners

partners French high school Partners of the Lycée Français International de Bangkok The Lycée Français International de Bangkok is proud to present the partnerships established with various organizations and entities to enrich its network and offer better opportunities to its community. Each of these partnerships brings its own unique support to the Lycée, whether in […]